Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Welcome to our Office-Homepage. Our team will do their best to receive you in a pleasant atmosphere for treatment without discomfort or pain.
We take care of your special needs and give you state-of-the-art advice and treatment in all areas of outpatient oral and maxillofacial surgery. You will find more Information about our services here: Services.
What to expect when you come for treatment:
To help us minimize waiting times please make an appointment for your visit. No need to say that you are always welcome even without an appointment, if you need us urgently. But do not get annoyed if you have to put up with some waiting time in this case. We will take care of you as soon as we can.
At the reception you will be welcomed by Ms. Doris Brahm, who will ask you why you have come to see us. Then she will take down your personal data and your medical history. Often enough your answers to her questions will show whether X-ray films are needed before counseling and treatment. If so, these can be taken straight away.
Once she has elicited all the information needed, Ms. Brahm will open a patient file and one of our ladies will take you to the treatment room as soon as possible.
There we will establish what treatment you need in a pre-operative work-up and discuss with you what is best done. We always make a point of giving you all the information we can so that you can make up your mind about what suits you best.